
Alex Durante Signage Collective

Social Contract
Social Contract

Signage Collective

Opioid Crisis
Opioid Crisis

Signage collective

Dr. Strangelove [Kubrick Poster Series]
Dr. Strangelove [Kubrick Poster Series]

Illustrated Typography | Lasercut Plexiglass | Wooden Lightbox Frame

Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove was the best comic relief of the United States, when it was released on January 29th, 1964. As one of Kubrick’s earlier works, it displays his youthful sense of humor with a casual dark undertones. This illustrated typographic poster represents a code transistor that was used in the film and throughout the Cold War. A code transistor would transmit secret codes to every B-52 fighter on duty, which were then transcribed through the plane code manual. I find it fascinating that in our advancement of technological communication, messages like dropping a nuclear bomb can still be identified through elementary systems.

{18”x 28”}

Exhibition Statement Column
Exhibition Statement Column

Enamel | Wood | Silkscreen

Perspectych is a visual meditative guide to aesthetics to psychologically enhance creative thinking. Alex Durante: Perspectych Exhibition.

{13”x 46”}

Machine Learning
Machine Learning

Signage Collective

Eternal Return
Eternal Return

Signage Collective

Radial Data Synapse
Radial Data Synapse

Signage Collective

The Shining [Kubrick Poster Series]
The Shining [Kubrick Poster Series]

Illustration | Pen & Ink | Adobe Photoshop

The Shining, directed by Stanley Kubrick is one of the best interpretations of a real horror narrative in the history of cinematography. The Shining displays the transition from normality to insanity by employing the effect of seclusion. More often than not, the critical acclaim of this film leans toward the acting role of Jack Nicholson and the directive genius of Stanley Kubrick. However, this poster is about the talent of the actress, Shelly Duval. Duval’s role in the film is a real performance of fear as she retains sanity throughout such an intense situation. The style of this poster represents her “shakiness” and constant anxiety while living in the hotel.

{18”x 28”}

The Eye of Silence
The Eye of Silence

Signage Collective

Experimental Jetset Wade Guyton Exhibition
Experimental Jetset Wade Guyton Exhibition

Packaging Design | Adobe Photoshop

Exhibit production of artwork curated for artist Wade Guyton, and typography by the designers at Experimental Jetset. In celebration of their parallel work motifs, both of these artists have collaborated with a focus on comprehensive aesthetics, rendering open-ended art direction for every field of creativity.

{6.5”x 10”}

A Clockwork Orange [Kubrick Poster Series]
A Clockwork Orange [Kubrick Poster Series]

Digital Painting | Adobe Photoshop

A Clockwork Orange, directed by Stanley Kubrick is a cult classic. It is loaded with symbolism, metaphoric exploits, and even its own language, as well as being unofficially titled the most controversial film of Stanley Kubrick’s career. It is our own personal perception that makes this film what it is. The style of the poster represents the close up shot where actor Malcolm McDowell’s eyes are tightly clamped open and is forced to view programming, when in reality we do not always have physical reminders for images that we ourselves are forced to view.

{18”x 28”}

Disinformation Influence
Disinformation Influence

Signage Collective

Control, Alt, Delete.
Control, Alt, Delete.

Signage Collective

Two Five
Two Five

Signage collective

Red Iceberg
Red Iceberg

Signage Collective

Hōshō seido
Hōshō seido

Signage Collective

  Signage Collective

Signage Collective

Flying Lotus Gig Poster
Flying Lotus Gig Poster

Adobe Photoshop

You’re Dead! Concert Tour: Flying Lotus Terminal 5 2014.

{18”x 28”}

Anheuser Morris
Anheuser Morris

Signage Collective

In _ Secure
In _ Secure

Signage Collective

Market Organics
Market Organics

Signage Collective


Signage Collective

Social Contract
Opioid Crisis
Dr. Strangelove [Kubrick Poster Series]
Exhibition Statement Column
Machine Learning
Eternal Return
Radial Data Synapse
The Shining [Kubrick Poster Series]
The Eye of Silence
Experimental Jetset Wade Guyton Exhibition
A Clockwork Orange [Kubrick Poster Series]
Disinformation Influence
Control, Alt, Delete.
Two Five
Red Iceberg
Hōshō seido
  Signage Collective
Flying Lotus Gig Poster
Anheuser Morris
In _ Secure
Market Organics

Alex Durante Signage Collective

Social Contract

Signage Collective

Opioid Crisis

Signage collective

Dr. Strangelove [Kubrick Poster Series]

Illustrated Typography | Lasercut Plexiglass | Wooden Lightbox Frame

Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove was the best comic relief of the United States, when it was released on January 29th, 1964. As one of Kubrick’s earlier works, it displays his youthful sense of humor with a casual dark undertones. This illustrated typographic poster represents a code transistor that was used in the film and throughout the Cold War. A code transistor would transmit secret codes to every B-52 fighter on duty, which were then transcribed through the plane code manual. I find it fascinating that in our advancement of technological communication, messages like dropping a nuclear bomb can still be identified through elementary systems.

{18”x 28”}

Exhibition Statement Column

Enamel | Wood | Silkscreen

Perspectych is a visual meditative guide to aesthetics to psychologically enhance creative thinking. Alex Durante: Perspectych Exhibition.

{13”x 46”}

Machine Learning

Signage Collective

Eternal Return

Signage Collective

Radial Data Synapse

Signage Collective

The Shining [Kubrick Poster Series]

Illustration | Pen & Ink | Adobe Photoshop

The Shining, directed by Stanley Kubrick is one of the best interpretations of a real horror narrative in the history of cinematography. The Shining displays the transition from normality to insanity by employing the effect of seclusion. More often than not, the critical acclaim of this film leans toward the acting role of Jack Nicholson and the directive genius of Stanley Kubrick. However, this poster is about the talent of the actress, Shelly Duval. Duval’s role in the film is a real performance of fear as she retains sanity throughout such an intense situation. The style of this poster represents her “shakiness” and constant anxiety while living in the hotel.

{18”x 28”}

The Eye of Silence

Signage Collective

Experimental Jetset Wade Guyton Exhibition

Packaging Design | Adobe Photoshop

Exhibit production of artwork curated for artist Wade Guyton, and typography by the designers at Experimental Jetset. In celebration of their parallel work motifs, both of these artists have collaborated with a focus on comprehensive aesthetics, rendering open-ended art direction for every field of creativity.

{6.5”x 10”}

A Clockwork Orange [Kubrick Poster Series]

Digital Painting | Adobe Photoshop

A Clockwork Orange, directed by Stanley Kubrick is a cult classic. It is loaded with symbolism, metaphoric exploits, and even its own language, as well as being unofficially titled the most controversial film of Stanley Kubrick’s career. It is our own personal perception that makes this film what it is. The style of the poster represents the close up shot where actor Malcolm McDowell’s eyes are tightly clamped open and is forced to view programming, when in reality we do not always have physical reminders for images that we ourselves are forced to view.

{18”x 28”}

Disinformation Influence

Signage Collective

Control, Alt, Delete.

Signage Collective

Two Five

Signage collective

Red Iceberg

Signage Collective

Hōshō seido

Signage Collective

Signage Collective

Flying Lotus Gig Poster

Adobe Photoshop

You’re Dead! Concert Tour: Flying Lotus Terminal 5 2014.

{18”x 28”}

Anheuser Morris

Signage Collective

In _ Secure

Signage Collective

Market Organics

Signage Collective


Signage Collective

show thumbnails